
  • Motawea Hussein Shaikhon Ahmed Helwan University, Egypt

Ключевые слова:

Interpretation, signs, design, Deir El Medina, visitor, experience, management


It is necessary that archaeological sites be actively managed and interpreted rather than left understood by the visitor himself alone. Signage and panels add pleasure and enhance the value of the tourist's visit, and encourage pre-designed routes through the site in order to minimize crowding and negative impact. A successful signage practice not only provides direction and information, but also plays a key role in linking visitors to product or experiences within the visited site (Falk and Dierking, 1992). Deir El Medina experiences a wide range of heritage management problems, numerous of which derive from the interpretation practice, and the
most noteworthy interpretive concern is the incomplete and uncoordinated character of interpretation within the archaeological site. The incapability of site management and associated partners to consider interpretation best practice and the lack of trained professionals who conduct fi eld research further confuse the problem. This paper might report a descriptive analytical study of interpretive media, that is, interpretive signage usually employed at heritage sites. The aims of this study are to record the spatial distribution of the signs on Deir El Medina archaeological site, and to analyze the physical appeal of the signs (design), finally to identify the type of signs according to the content and the function are considered helpful in regard to the visitor experience.

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Как цитировать

Ahmed, M. H. S. (2019). HERITAGE INTERPRETATION: ANALYSIS STUDY OF SIGNAGE SYSTEM AT DEIR EL MEDINA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE IN LUXOR, EGYPT. Археология Евразийских степей, (5), 234–250. извлечено от https://www.evrazstep.ru/index.php/aes/article/view/534



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