
  • Аnastasiya В. Begunova St. Petersburg State University. Universitetskaya Emb.,13B, Saint-Petersburg 199034, Russian Federation
  • Ekaterina N. Strekalova State Hermitage. Dvortsovaya Naberezhnaya (Embankment), 34, Saint Petersburg, 190000, Russian Federation



restoration, archaeology, peat monuments, ceramics, Neolithic, epoxy replenishment, duplication on an epoxy base


The article is devoted to the restoration of highly fragmented, with a large number of losses ceramic ves­sels found on the Neolithic site of Serteya II. The article examines the restoration of three Neolithic vessels and considers options for restoring the integrity of the artefacts with the least interference in initial object. The task was to conserve them and bring them to an expositional state. The lack of a major part of the vessels, their fragility and thin-walled complicated the restoration. Their state of preservation did not allow a standard pro­cedure of the gluing and loss compensation for large-sized objects. Two restoration techniques were tested on smaller vessels: epoxy resin restoration fillings and epoxy resin duplicate construction for fragments fixation. This method appeared to be relevant for long and gradual restoration with supplement fragments, which come from new excavations of this site. Also the choice of material is due to its neutral nature. The practice used allows the restored vessels to be seen in their finished state. The existing methods of compensation were elabo­rated based on these specific cases, ensuring the long-term preservation of the vessels, their further gradual restoration and their authentic properties.


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How to Cite

Begunova А. В., & Strekalova, E. N. (2021). RESTORATION OF NEOLITHIC CLAY VESSELS FROM FLOODED AND PEAT LAYERS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE MONUMENT TO SERTEYA II). Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (6), 209–222.



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