About the Creation of an Open Air Museum in the Territory of the Medieval City of Zhayik


  • Bekzhan M. Ashygaliev Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University




archaeological excavations, Zhaiyk settlement, open-air museum, medieval urban culture, Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Rules for defining security zones for regulation of development


The presented article deals with the problems of creating an open-air museum on the site of the medieval settlement Zhaiyk. The monument is located in the Zhaiyk (Ural) river basin. Several residential, public and economic objects were found in the territory of the ancient settlement during archaeological research. These are brick kilns, a lime kiln, a pottery kiln, a bathhouse, residential estates, and mausoleums. The main goal of the Zhaiyk Open Air Museum project is to research, preserve and use the historical and cultural archaeological heritage, as well as to promote the development of the region's tourism infrastructure. The current level of development of historical science and archaeology makes it possible to reconstruct a specific historical reality in the socio-economic, political and ethno-cultural aspects. Therefore, the preservation, protection and use of monuments are a priority in archaeology. The open-air museum will carry out constant cultural, educational and informational work, which will make it possible to effectively use its resources as a particularly valuable scientific institution. As part of the project to create an open-air museum, it is planned to conduct a natural and environmental study of the natural resources of the Zhaiyk River valley (Ural), which will significantly expand the protection and use of the natural heritage of the region and create a basis for creating cultural and entertainment infrastructure. Conditions will be created for the effective protection of cultural and natural heritage and control of its use, and reconstruction and conservation work will be carried out at archaeological sites. As a result of the implementation of the project for the integrated development of the open-air museum, its boundaries will include all areas where monuments of archaeology, architecture and ethnography are located.

Author Biography

Bekzhan M. Ashygaliev, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University




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How to Cite

Ashygaliev, . B. M. (2022). About the Creation of an Open Air Museum in the Territory of the Medieval City of Zhayik. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (1), 86–92. https://doi.org/10.24852/2587-6112.2022.1.86.92



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