Stove Tiles with the Image of the "Svyazhskaya" Vase


  • Marina M. Zubareva State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-reserve «Island Town of Svyazhsk»
  • Farid A. Akhmetgalin Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan



archaeology, Sviyazhsk, stove tiles, tiled stove, reconstruction of stove; XVII – XVIII сс., vase


Results of study of the unglazed terracotta stove tiles depicting a vase are represented in the paper. Two excavations on the island of Sviyazhsk, carried out in 2010, and an excavation in Sviyazhsk in 2005, in particular the cultural layers of the late 17th – first half of the 18th centuries, became the focus of the author’s attention. Similar tiles were also found in Kazan during archaeological investigations. The authors consider in detail the characteristic features of this image of a vase on Sviyazhsk and Kazan tiles. The features of their design and construction are highlighted. Analogies are given among the tiles from the western territories from the Kazan Volga region. A line of transformation of the image of the vase on the considered tiles is outlined, while maintaining the very composition of the image. As a result of the study, a graphic reconstruction of a fragment of the furnace has been created from the discovered tiles.


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How to Cite

Zubareva , M. M., & Akhmetgalin , F. A. (2022). Stove Tiles with the Image of the "Svyazhskaya" Vase. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (1), 141–147.



Research and Publication