Silk Boktag Hats from the Collections of the Volgograd Regional Museum of Local History and Astrakhan Reserve Museum


  • Elena A. Korzh Independent researcher, GBUZ SK "SKKPB No. 1”
  • Sofia M. Shashunova Volga-Don Archaeological Society



bokka, boktag, the Golden Horde, silk, costume of the Golden Horde population, archaeological textile.


The paper introduces into scientific discourse the previously unpublished silk boktag caps and their fragments from the museums of the Volgograd and Astrakhan Oblasts. Boktag was a status headdress of married women in the Mongol Empire. Three different types of hats have been identified as a result of studies. Work on the reconstruction of the style of the hats was carried out, and errors in the style layouts from previous studies were corrected. An analysis of the weaving types made it possible to determine that boktag hats were made of the most expensive and high-quality patterned fabrics such as lampas that existed in the 13th–14th centuries.


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How to Cite

Korzh , E. A. ., & Shashunova , S. M. (2022). Silk Boktag Hats from the Collections of the Volgograd Regional Museum of Local History and Astrakhan Reserve Museum. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (4), 20–27.



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