The Territory of Divnogorye in the Golden Horde Period


  • Valentin S. Bityukov Natural, architectural and archaeological museum-reserve "Divnogorie"; Voronezh State Technical University



Chervlennyi Yar, Divnogorye, Golden Horde, Pimen, Don, Tikhaya Sosna, Nikon Chronicle, Dmitry Donskoy, Tsargrad, Ryazan Principality.


The paper features information highlighting the attribution of the territory of Divnogorie in the Golden Horde period. The archaeological and written traces of this period in this territory are investigated, which reflect the relations of the Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy with Metropolitan Pimen. The reasons for the discord between the Prince and the Metropolitan, which led the latter’s visit to the Byzantine Empire, are considered. A summary of the Metropolitan’s journey to Tsargrad and a description of the territory of Divnogorie are provided. The issue of Chervlennyi Yar and its attribution to the Ryazan Principality and the Golden Horde is raised.


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How to Cite

Bityukov , V. S. . (2022). The Territory of Divnogorye in the Golden Horde Period. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (4), 80–83.



Research and Publication